Category: Just about Code

  • 期待新主页ing

    为了迎接Catt给我设计的个人主页,给blog换了套主题,留下点东西,方便以后用。 另外欢迎各位亲朋好友留下脚印,方便我收集一下大家的博客链接,我好做Blogroll啊! 1、关闭Wordpress的修订功能 在根目录下的wp-config.php中,添加 [php]define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’,false);[/php] 2、Plugin [html]Akismet WP-PageNavi Google XML Sitemaps WordPress Related Posts Mail to Commenter Twitter Tools Syntax Highlighter for WordPress bShare 分享 WordPress Database Backup WP-Cumulus[/html] 3、Google analytics [html] [/html] 4、重定向 [bash]# BEGIN user-defined RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^.*(FeedBurner|FeedValidator|feedsky) [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/feed.* [NC] RewriteRule .* [NC,L,R=301] [/bash] 贴一张旧主题的照片纪念一下,地点是GoogleCamp实验室,台式机+笔记本,显示的都是原来主题的效果,拍完了才发现还是挺有感觉的……(如果看不到,我就不多说了,如果有比flickr更好的提供外链图片的网站,尽快告诉我吧!)

  • A recommended kind of RSS solution

    Today I want to recommend a kind of RSS solution and  it’s just what I use for my blog. In this way, we will have a permanent and unique rss url. As for me, it’s 1)Sign up as the same name for your feed in FeedSky & FeedBurner. e.g. I have for FeedSky &…

  • Recovering Ubuntu 9.10 After Installing Windows 7

    【Foreword】 前些日子win 7离奇中毒,开机巨慢,几乎所有应用程序无法打开,只好重装。如此一来Ubuntu 9.10的Grub启动没了,由于win 7和ubuntu 9.10都是比较新的东东,网上的解决方案不多或者不是很完美(个人意见),不是需要Ubuntu live CD,就是把grub装到了mbr当中,鄙人用了一个一般笨的方法,还算比较完美的解决了…… 【Procedure】 1)Download the file here and extract them to the directory you installed windows 7 for example ‘c:/’. I pick it from here 2)Reboot the computer & choose Ubuntu 9 when it comes to mbr selection. 3)Open the terminal and reinstall the grub2 with the following commands. [bash]sudo…