昨天完成了可以说是生命中又一件重要的事情,入手新座驾——2013款GIANT ATX 770,27变速,BB5碟刹,其他的更多参数就不太懂了,总之很棒很赞!买的过程略曲折,刚开始在北航东门的那个GIANT店差点被忽悠买了除了油刹其他都显得很山寨的ATX 777,还奇葩的遇到了两个收了钱马上就翻脸的傻逼店员,后来打110叫来了警察叔叔才把钱退了回来,最后去清华西门的店还算顺利,老板很爽快,于是一入手晚上就去刷街了。 从北大东门沿成府路方向,到奥林匹克公园怒刷了三圈。一圈大概六七公里,北至北五环,南至科荟南路,东西分别是奥林匹克东路和奥林匹克西路,可以在15分钟左右刷一圈。回程的时候走的是大屯路、清华东路、双清路,也就差不多是运通110路的路线。全程下来不到40公里,连玩带歇差不多用了2个小时。 终于有了自己的新座驾,Wishlist和Equipments页面都可以更新了,以后也可以更多的出去骑行了。Just Enjoy Life! P.S. 感谢光哥的全程陪伴,不仅帮忙试车还帮我处理了紧急情况,要不然我一个人估计就真傻逼了……很高兴能在园子里遇到你这样的好哥们!
Report #1 about Porting GTG
These weeks, I was mostly working on merging pygtk trunk to gtk3 porting branch. I have created a new branch here [1] where you guys can follow more specific progress. It is the first time for me to deal with such a big diff [2] (with more than 170k lines and more than 4.8 MB…
Hello GSoC 2013! Hello Planet of GNOME!
Finally landing on the Planet of GNOME! [0] Thanks for Alberto Ruiz’s help and patience! This is the voice from huxuan, the spelling of My Chinese name 扈煊. And my English Name is Sean Hu. So you can call me Sean, Xuan Hu or just huxuan is OK. I am from Beijing, China, a graduate…